
What is a Level I Inspection?

What is a Level I Inspection?

If you have recently moved to a new state or purchased a vehicle, it is a requirement to have it inspected at an authorized station, before being able to get your car registered. For example, if you have moved to Maryland then you will need to search for maryland...

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Disability Plates and Placards

Disability Plates and Placards

It's often assumed that a disabled individual is someone confined to a wheelchair but this isn't true. Yes, there are many disabled people who require things like mobility bathrooms from Practical Bathing. However, there are also many invisible disabilities too. A...

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Purple Heart Specialty Plate

Purple Heart Specialty Plate

The Purple Heart (shown below) is a United States Military decoration awarded in the name of the President of the United States to those who have been wounded or killed while serving on or after April 5, 1917 with the U.S. military.  The Purple Heart was first awarded...

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